Chapter 6 - "Towering Problems"

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Chapter 6 - "Towering Problems"

[Now you are officially residents of my dungeon. Congratulations!] Thinking that, I look down on the two Ashrani women, who are sleeping in their semi-hut. I advanced the territory of my dungeon to the borders of the outer walls and are now able to stand (or float) right next to the two. They seem much calmer now, I guess their rest is going well. Again, my advancement was not noticed by anyone. 

I already enjoyed a stroll around the area and inspected it. The only thing left to conquer is the Tower itself. [Well, let's take it then!] With this, I open the "Floor Advancement" Map again, and take a closer look a the ruined building.

What remained from it are the two bottom floors. The second one is half buried with ruble thought,  since it's ceiling collapsed on one side. The first floor seems to be intact, but I can't look inside, because there is not a single window in it and the big boulders buried the stairs. From the amount of rubble, I wold say that the tower originally had 3, or maybe even 4 floors.

[Let's paint it in my colors!

I move the translucent-feather over the tower and drag it around the tiles of the second store, adding them to my territory. They become green without a problem. [Great! Let's see what we got.] That said, it still is the second floor. [ ... Just how high can I actually rise up?] I didn't try it until now, but that's a good opportunity, because I wont to get up there. 

The tree dimensional movement still feels kind of strange to me, but I'm slowly getting used to it. I prepare myself for a new experience ant take of along the towers wall. My rising, and the ability to actually "fly" make me joyful and jumpy inside, but my enthusiasm is soon stopped by an invisible wall again - Or: "Invisible ceiling", to be precise. From this high I can have a good look through the windows of the second floor.

[Borders everywhere ... well, it can't be helped.] Looking inside, it seems quite chaotic in there. Like already mentioned - half of the room is buried since the ceiling collapsed. What's left of it is filled with - what seems to once have been - furniture. I see collapsed drawers, beds, chests - all rotten and unusable. 

After sliding inside through the small window, a shocking surprise awaits me; two half-buried corpses. No doubt, that they are here from the moment, that tower collapsed over their heads. They are wearing military uniform, but I can't see a banner anywhere. [Well, not that I would recognize it anyway.]

Also, the floor here is covered with a lot of ...  birds crap. But there is nothing around, that could have produced any of that. I don't see any nests either.

I do a quick look over the decayed chests and drawers, but they seem to contain mostly rags: remains of clothing, sheets and the kind. [Nothing to salvage here.]

After my short inspection, I decide to add the first floor to my realm next, but there is a problem. I can't look at it! On the map, I tried removing its ceiling, like I did before with the core-room, by I can't. since the stairs are buried, I can't take a look on it from above either. [Does that mean, I can only conquer what I see?] In this case, I would have to find a way in there.

Trying to open the front gate of the tower was actually one of the first things I did after adding the outskirts to my territory. But the massive Gate is either shut tight, or barricaded from inside. Rough marks on it lead to the conclusion, that someone tried to open it by force before, but it doesn't look like they succeeded. It does have a key-hole, though. [Maybe there is a key somewhere in the remains of this rubbish ... ] Worst case: someone closed themselves in there and died, which means the key stayed inside. If I can't menage to find it, I could try to remove the rubble from the staircase. At least to a point where I can look inside, enough for it to appear on the map. If I can add it to my territory, then I will be able to see the insides on the Item-Screen. The key should appear there, I think.

Just as I started digging through the molded rags, moving them aside one-by-one, the Lizard-People outside suddenly became noisy. As I gazed through the window, at first sight I didn't understand what's wrong, since the Ashrani guards occurred to be a bit confused - pointing their spears aimlessly at the sky. But then I noticed the big shadow on the ground, drawing circles around the tower. In the sky there was a creature, clearly prying on the targets beneath. It had the body of a huge hawk-like bird, but with the head of a crazy looking women.

Then, the disturbing message, delivered by the same, calm, female voice appeared again:

???: [Warning! Hostile entities are close to the dungeon entrance.]

[What the hell? ...] Hassag, who I think is actually the Ashranis chief or spiritual leader or something, took cover in the bushes near a wall. The others are running rather unorganized around the place. [This is not good!]

Lizard-Warrior: "Harpa! Ragnásh-Harpa! Has-nogasé gor-ga serésh! ..."

Hassag (Bone Head): "Ke-gromá ka-hangá harpa sor-neck!"

Despite the fact that he crawled in to a corner, Hassag does not seem afraid at all. He is carefully following the crazy birds movements. What's more, after his shout the others are following his example, taking cover behind rocks or bushes. From their behavior, they all look more careful, then scared. [This is not fear ... it's strategy!]

Hassag: "Harásh! Irsa! Gersá bra-gack nor go-kesh! ... "

After hearing him, two of the Warriors changed position. [He is clearly giving orders.]

Hassag: "Ormag! ger-géhash - sor na-héssa! Harpa shra-negóha ... "

One of them jumps up, runs in to the open and start making noise by screaming at the creature. It doesn't take even a few seconds until the crazy bird changes course and drops towards the voluntary target. In the middle of its fall, it lets out a long sharp scream. While it didn't sound particularly pleasant, I felt no "physical discomfort" from it. The Ashrani on the other hand dropped to the floor, while holding their heads with both hands, obviously in pain. [COM ON, STAND UP!] Isn't there anything I can do?!

The sharp claws of the bird are about to pierce the defenseless guy, when it gets hit by something, that create a small cloud of orange dust in the air. It was Hassag, who threw something like a small pouch, that opened on impact. The slightly confused bird-women was still dropping on the decoy, who managed to roll to the side at the last moment. [Was that all planned?] After the harsh impact on the ground it flapped its wings furiously, trying to get height again.

Hassag: "Sermésh! Krea-sermésch!"

At his command several spears flew from different directions. Just one menages to pierce one of her wing, but it's enough to drop her back on the ground. Right after she touches the surface, the guy, who was a decoy just a moment ago, jumps on her back from behind. There are Bone-claws tied to his hands, which he slams into her neck, digging them deep into her flesh and piercing the throat, not even allowing her to scream from the pain. After a bit of struggling, the beast drops down and creates a puddle of blood on the paved ground.

Joyful shouts arise from the other fighters, who come to honor the bravery of the killer with a pad on the shoulder. When Hassag comes to him, he rips a few of the bigger feathers out of the creatures wings on his way and gives them to the young warrior in a congratulatory manner. If I would have a body, I wold let out a deep relieved breath at this point, releasing my tension.

Judging by the smart tactic - making the enemy believe, that it has already won, and then counterattack at the last moment ... [They may be smarter, then I firs thought.
] They shouldn't be underestimated. But I'm not sure if it would have ended that well, if Hassag wouldn't be around. They sure seamed quite panicked at first. But now I have a grasp of their fighting behavior, and also of the dangers they need protection from. [But ... how can I help them in a fight against flying enemies?] Maybe I'll get an idea for it later.

Now, that the commotion is over, my curiosity drives me to take a close look at the slain creature, so I move over to it. It has the head of a human women, complete with long red shaggy hair. But from the shoulders down, it's basically an overly huge bird, with sharp, long claws. Its wings would together easily exceed 3 meters if stretched out completely. [What an obscure creature.] 

???: "Gar-sesh Ormag. Sor-garég es harpa nor-gásha."

A new, milder voice emerges and makes the others become quite. It's one of the females, who came out of the semi-hut, where they where resting. [The noise must have woken them up.] The "hero of the day" looks at her for a long moment. Then approaches her, and offers her one of the feathers, the chief just gave him. 

Hero of the day: "Semés, Orsha. Gor na-kéa.

[... Did he just say, "Orsha"?] That's the name of one of the female Ashrani. [Then the other one must be "Sari" - The one that collapsed first.] Sari is still sitting inside the Hut. Also, I think it was Orsha who did the talking, when they spoke to me. Her actual voice sounds totally different from the one she uses in my mind, thought. To tell them apart; Orshas skin is more reddish in color, while Sari's has a bright green tone.

Other Lizard-Men: " ... Hoooaa ... Sagrák. Shar-sagrák ... "

The others seem to be exited about that. [Wait, was that some kind of proposal right now?] Or maybe they are engaged already ... Their culture starts to become more and more interesting to me, I wont to know more about them. [I am actually beginning to like them.] It makes me want to protect them even more, even if it's just to satisfy my curiosity ...

Lizard Man: "Hoa! Shornag dos-gar sa Harpa!"

As one of them shouts, everyone turns around, right in time to see the bird-creature disappear. Like before, it dissolves into small yellow light particles, that flew over to the building where the dungeon-heart resides. They actually flew on a direct route, right trough the wall. The Ashrani watch it with wide-opened eyes, like they are witnessing a miracle. [Maybe they are ... ]

Again, a satisfying feeling occurs, like I ate something tasty. [Will this happen now with all dying creatures in the surrounding?] Or maybe just with the ones, that die inside the terrain of my dungeon ... I should research this further. [And why is that happening at all? Is the heart draining their life-energy to keep me alive, or something? Is that what happened with Argos maybe, did he run out of energy?] There is no way to tell right now. I shouldn't jump to hasty conclusions!

Orsha returned back to the hut, and they are now talking with Hassag, who is seemingly happy about it. I don't know how long it will take for them to come and speak with me again, and I don't want to waste any time. [Since they are doing their jobs of protecting me, I should do mine as well.] As I say that, I look at the ruined tower. behind it, the sky is changing its color in to a warm bright yellow. [It will get dark soon.] If I want to look for this key, I should go for it now.


Several hours passed.

... I crammed through all the rags and garbage in the room. [It's not here!] While I managed to find some coins and a rusty dagger - there is no key. Somehow, I was sure that I would find it, if I just look careful enough, but I was wrong. [Well, that's frustrating!] It's also getting significantly darker now, but strangely this does not affect my vision at all, I can still see everything very clearly. [Did I have this night vision ability before?] I probably just didn't notice it, since I spend the last night in the room with the brightly glowing dungeon heart. 

I don't feel tired, so I consider looking for it a little longer. [Maybe I missed something.] But then I hear the voice of ... Hassak. [I still want to call him "Bone-Head" for some reason.] He is out there, speaking in a loud voice. It sounds like he is chanting, or something. And then another familiar voice resonates in my head:

Ashranie sisters: [Sari and Orsha, came to speak with the spirit of this place.]

I'm still in the tower, so I guess I don't have to be around, to talk with them.

Me: [Ah, yes ... I hear you!]

I go out of the tower and move towards the room, where the dungeon-heart is. It's mysterious glow can be clearly seen trough the night. Even with the small entrance, it still looks like there is a huge bonfire inside the room. I really need a door!

Even if I can normally speak with them from where I was, it still seems appropriate to be "present", after they went through all the trouble to contact me again. To not loose valuable time, I continue the conversation on the way.

Me: [I'm glad to see, that you are back on your feet. Please don't exhaust yourselves to that extent anymore.]

Ashranie sisters: [ ... Yes! Sari and Orsha will be careful.]

Suddenly, I remember how I saw the light particles fly through the wall today, witch leads me to the idea for an experiment ...

Me: [That was a good fight today! I'm impressed by the abilities of the Ashrani!]

... If I'm really something comparable to a ghost, then I may be able to move through walls too ...

Me: [Is everyone unhurt?]

I move over the flat ceiling and try to push my way through. And it works, there is no resistance at all. So I can go through walls, as long as the other side is part of my Dungeon. That's good to know!

Ashranie sisters: [Yes! The Hunters are in good health. But Hassag said, that the Harpa will come again with more. He will bring more hunters tomorrow to defend this place.]

Me: ["Harpa" ... ]

I heard them saying that word several times during- and after the fight.

Me: [So that's what the bird-creatures are called?]

Ashranie sisters: [Yes!]

I descent into the room from the ceiling, like a divine being from heavens ... Sadly, no one cares ...

Me: [Ah, I see. Maybe I can help you in the next fight, but we will see about that tomorrow ...]

If I menage to open the front gate, and remove the ruble from the stairway, it my become a big advantage for them during a fight, especially against flying opponents.

Me: [... For now, I want to hear about Argos! What kind of agreement did your people have with him, what "protection" did he provide, and why did you part ways with him?]

Ashranie sisters: [Yes! Argos was a spirit of a place.]

She said "was". So he is probably not around anymore ...

Ashranie sisters: [ He captured a small place of humans in the mountains. He gave the Ashranie home, food and power.]

"Captured"? Does this mean, he conquered it? But more importantly ...

Me: [Power? What kind of Power?]

Ashranie sisters: [... Ashranie, who made "bond" with Argos where given powers, which Ashranie did not have before. Powers, to throw fire with hands. Powers, to see things, far away. Powers, to go without steps ...]

This doesn't sound like he just provided them with weapons. It's more like giving them real abilities. 

Me: [What happened? Why are you not with him anymore?]

Ashranie sisters: [... Argos was killed ... by humans ...]

She pauses.

Ashranie sisters: [ ... Orsha apologizes ... Sari needs to rest...]

Yea, I can see it on their faces already. Also, now I know for sure that it is Orsha, who is speaking.

Me: [Ah, of course, don't overdo it!]

Orsha: [What is the name of the spirit of this place?]

Ah, this question again.

Me: [ ... Call me ... "Kalifos"]

The name feels a bit strange and unfamiliar, but I'm sure, soon I will get used to it. After all it's not that I need it for myself, it's for them.

Orsha: [... Kalifos ... ]

With this, the connection brakes off, and again, they drop down on the floor. [They exhausted themselves after all ...] But this time they don't pass out, and are able to walk out on their own. [Next time I need to make sure to thank them.] They must expect great thing from me, if they are willing to go through all that without hesitation. Suffering like this, just to give me some answers and even bringing more fighting force, to protect this place ... to protect me ... [I would feel ashamed if I let them down.]

I follow them to their resting place, just for the simple reason that "I can". Experiencing a bit more freedom like this, feels really refreshing. Before going to rest, Orsha turns to Hassag and says just the one phrase:

Orsha: "Shornag se-gesh, esmár góra ... Kalifos! ... "

[Even I understood this ... ]

Hassags eyes become wide opened.

Hassag: " ... Kalifos ... "

After repeating it, as if to engrave it in his memories, like it's something very important, he pads Orsha on the shoulder. On this, she turns around and closes her eyes ... Hassag seems pleased.

... Well, I guess conquering the first floor of the tower will have to wait until tomorrow. Because further progress will not go without removing some big chunks of rock - And that will not go without noise - And that will not go without wakening up the sleeping Ashrani ... Instead I need to go over what they just told me, as long as it's still fresh in my mind ...

[So, Argos gave them "Powers"] ... This really sounds like a God, who gives blessings to his followers. Is that probably how they see me too? [... Somehow I really don't want to think that way ...] Let's turn to the important stuff: ["How" did he gave them powers?] ... There is no menu-screen appearing on my question ... So does that mean, he did it by some other means? Maybe, they can answer me this question next time.

Orsha also said, that he took over a humans place. Maybe that's the reason, why the Ashranie are on such bad terms with the human soldiers. That's why I should be cautious of them as well, because I also "took over this place", even if it's just a ruin, and I don't know how, or why this happened...

... I just notice, that I don't feel tired at all, compared to yesterday where I couldn't help but just fall asleep. And it's not like I didn't do anything, it just wasn't that stressful today. Even observing the fighting with the ... "Harpa", was more exiting then tiring. [Well, I still have something to do ...] I look over to the entrance, where the bright glow is coming out from. [It really lights up the place.] Now, that the sun went down, I can really see how bright it actually is. It can surly be seen from far away, and would attract too much attention.

[... It's time to finally close it!] While moving over to it, I open the construction-screen and choose the wooden door. On that, a translucent door appears, that I can move around like all other things. When I move it to the entrance, it automatically snaps to the frame. [That's convenient!] I confirm its position and after it manifests with a glowing out of thin air, the surrounding becomes dark instantly. There is still some light, that can be seen through a slit under the door, but it can not be compared with the brightness from before.

Lizard-Men: "Hoooaaahh ..."

The change did not stay unnoticed ... [Well, there is more, where this came from! You guys better get used to it soon.]

While still thinking about the conversation and having nothing better to do, I decide to move the valuable stuff I collected to the second floor of the tower. It will be much saver there. This is when I noticed that I can't move through walls, while holding something. While it is quite obvious, it's still a letdown. I have to open the door, if I want to move something out. For anyone, who is not aware of what's happening, this ruin must surly seem like it's haunted. Even the Ashrani twitch, when the door opens and closes by itself, and follow the flying chests with wide open eyes and a "Hooaah ...". I also figured, that I can't move more then one item at the same time, totally independent of its size.

While calmly putting the coins, that I found on the second store of the tower, in the chest one after another, an unexpected voice in my head totally scared me off, more by its sudden appearance, then by its content. I even dropped the coin, I was holding ...

???: "Warning! Hostile entities are close to the dungeon entrance."

[Wha- ...]

Chapter 5 < Chapter 6 > Chapter 7

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  1. Uwa~! You're on a roll! Always remember to post on time, I made the mistake of forgetting to post on time once and now I'm stuck in a rut of not writing :/

    1. I just couldn't stop myself. XD
      Maybe i should have, because there is a bunch of things piling up, that i have to take care of ...

      But i know what you mean, something similar happened to me with "Paradigm". That's one of the reasons i started with this one. (And also because I really wanted to!)
      But what should i say, slowly my motivation to continue Paradigm is returning. Maybe you should also get some distance from your project, and come back to it later. Or maybe it works just for me, i don't know.

      Anyway, wonna give me a link? You got me curious ^^

    2. Write for as long as you can until the story feels like it's at a stopping point is usually my strategy. I've slowly been writing over the past few months or so, trying to get the next chapter out but maybe I should try and take an absolute break or something. :/

      If you want to check my stuff out, it's here:

    3. Thanx for the link, i will check it out in the comming days.

    4. It's not the best work, but I hope you like it even still!

  2. Thanks for the chapter,keep up the great work!


What kind of character did Argos have?

What was needed to bring Argos down?

How should slavery be handled in the world?

How should the dungeon advance in the near future?

Haw scarce should magic be in the world?

What Name should the Dungeon get in the future?

Should the Protagonist remember his past?