State of the Dungeon

This Page will show all the current Information about the dungeon as it is at the end of the last chapter. This will include general dungeon information, item list, inhabitants, layout, or other important things. It is mostly meant as an overview for me, but can also serf to satisfy you curiosity, about what is currently going on. Feel free to notify me if I forget, or miscalculate something. ;)

Current State:

Chapter 20

Dungeon Info:

General Dungeon Information:

Dungeon name - "Kalifos Dungeon"
Dungeon theme - Cave, Ruins

Dungeon rank - Z+
Number of floors - 1
Number of rooms - 10
Number of Traps - 9

Excavated Territory - 3795 m²
Total Dungeon Territory - 4445 m²
Maximum high - 9 m
Deepest point - 21 m
Domain Radius - 100 m

Number of Souls - 28
Spawned creatures - 10
Contracted creatures - 2
Special Creatures - 0

Remaining DP - 619 (+35/Day)

Over-world map
First draft
Underground Area + Tower

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What kind of character did Argos have?

What was needed to bring Argos down?

How should slavery be handled in the world?

How should the dungeon advance in the near future?

Haw scarce should magic be in the world?

What Name should the Dungeon get in the future?

Should the Protagonist remember his past?