Bestiarium - Shadow Cat


Shadow Cat


-His natural habitat are caves and dark forests.
-Due to its shadowy nature, it tends to hunt at night or in dark places.
-Shadows seem to darken around it and hide its presence. It uses the darkness to stay hidden and sneak up on its prey.
-For small prey, they are usually deadly. For bigger lifeforms, they are mostly a nuisance, but can be dangerous if encountered unprepared.
-Their bravery to hunt bigger prey depends on how hungry they are.
-In freedom, they stay alone, with the exception of a short time period when they raise their offspring.
-Their shadowy nature was often studied, but it could never be connected to any magical influence.
-They are sometimes hunted for their pelt, due to some peoples believe it carries the very shadowy property. This could never be confirmed, thou




HP - 30
MP - 15
STR - 7
DEX - 20
INT - 5
KON - 18

DP Gain - ?



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